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RE: MC conversion questions (4KQ)

> Can some one fill me in on the urq IC setup, I know how the hoses run but 
> that IC must be very small to fit.  Is the front body work the same as the

> 4k?  If so then the urq IC must be a tight fit.  Anyone know what its
> to take to put the urq IC in a 4k?  One problem i see with the urq IC is
> flow, or lack of it, thats one benifit to using the 5k IC, its in a good 
> spot for air flow.  And it works well, touching the 5k IC after a hard
> its cold to the touch, now intake air flow through it is anopther matter.

... I've never measured the IC on the WX-equipped QTC, but it isn't that
small IMO.  The nose of the ur-q is completely different from that of a 4kQ
though I'm sorry to say.  On the QTC the lower valence is a plastic piece
that surrounds the front bumper and actually goes around the front of the
car from one wheel well to the other.  I really like the way the ur-q is
designed, after pulling off the front bumper and the lower valence there is
very good access to all of the front of the engine.  

I'm thinking that if you wanted to you could hack a hole in the lower right
of the 4kQ's lower sheet metal to fit an ur-q's intercooler there.  If you
did it right the lower valence on the 4kQ might cover it well, or perhaps
you'd need a new chin spoiler of some sort.  The IC plumbing on the WX
engine isn't too bad ... perhaps the biggest complaint I have is that the
hose from the turbo to the IC runs right behind the IC, which is probably
affecting the amount of airflow through the cooling fins ...

Steve Buchholz
San Jose, CA (USA)