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Re: FS: '87 4kq Turbo

> << and a '87 5kTQ w/ same mileage is worth less than half of that.
>  > doesnt make sense....
>  Yes it does...
>   >>
> ok, so the 4k's dont have the sucky mineral hydraulic system....aside from
> that -  i dont see any plus...
> just kidding, Huw...  ;<)
> (have i just started a flame war? ;<)
> chris
> die hard type 44T fan

I think that is the key.  Some like the type 44, some don't.  If you
don't (I'm not partial to them), the 4kqt is vastly superior.  If you
like 44's, the 4kqt seems utterly pointless.

btw the "plus" is somewhere around 1,000 pounds, isn't it?

Huw Powell
