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Re: Audi S6 wagon in Madison, WI

>... uh Bob... we're talking Madison, WI here.  I'd say the probabilities
>are pretty low that it's your dream _girl_. (BG)
>Bill Elliott
>Lake Mills, WI
>Madison: 26 square miles surrounded by reality ;-)
>Apologies to Daniel....

No Bill, I'd say your pretty much on the ball with the "surrounded by
reality" bit.  Um, how can I describe it...  Madison is liberal town to say
the least.  One refered to it as a Berkley with cows.  :)  Not a bad place
to live though.  I consider myself socially liberal and I think most of the
people here would like to burn me at the stake for being a right wing wako.

As for women.... well, it ain't no California, but it is a college town so
there are always a few lookers downtown!


>Daniel Hussey wrote:
>> Was behind a black or dark blue (couldn't tell) Audi S6 Avant yesterday
>> evening on University Ave in Madison, Wisconsin.  Had Wisconsin plates
>>that read "SWALOW".  Don't get it, but nice car.  Just curious if the
owner is >>on the list.
>Was she cute? If so, it sounds like my dream girl...