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A4 2.8 30V Lifter Noise?

On the A4 Forum two or three weeks ago I asked any A4 2.8 30V owners to
send me email to let me know whether or not they hear lifter noise for a
second or two when starting the engine, particularly on cold starts, after
the engine has not been started for some time.  I also asked if any one was
experiencing what sounds like a belt squeek at idle after the engine is
warmed up.  My A4 is has both of these noises and I wanted to gather some
data before approaching my dealer with a request to 'solve' both these

The response was a little disappointing, with only 8 replies to my post.
The results:

Results: Only 9 responses received. 

6 respondents had cold start lifter noise, 3 didn't (although 1 of the No's
did have noise after the car sat for 6 days)

3 had some belt squeaking noise, 2 didn't and the other 4 didn't mention
whether or not their cars had the noise.

Not particularly earth-shattering, but.... ;-)

I would appreciate receiving further input from any other A4 owners with
the 2.8 30V V6 engine.  

Please send email directly to me.  I get the Digest and am way behind in my

Include the year of your A4, geographical location, approximate overnight
temperature range and whether or not:
1. your car has lifter noise on cold starts, 
2. it has 'belt squeek', 
3. it is garaged
4. it is a daily driver

Also include your other info that you think might be relevant.

TIA for any responses.

Stephen Kormilo                      Black '85 Rx7 GSL-SE
Instructor, Electronics Technology   Silver '98.5 A4 2.8QM
Red River College
Winnipeg, MB

email: skormilo@rrc.mb.ca
OR:    srkormilo@home.com