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RE: A4 2.8 30V Lifter Noise?

...a noisy valve train for a couple seconds upon cold start due to hydraulic
lifters that aren't pumped up is not that unusual for any car that has them.
I seem to recall that the owner's manual for my 5kCSQ notes that it can
happen and that it is not a problem.  My parents had a 1968 Ford with a
240CID I6 which would sound like it was tearing itself apart when you set
the choke and started it cold.  Once the oil pressure came up it quieted
itself right down.  

A belt squeak is something that can be fixed, and you shouldn't need to have
any evidence that others experience it before going to the dealer to ask to
have it fixed.  Take the car in, demonstrate the noise and tell them to take
care of it!

Steve Buchholz
San Jose, CA (USA)

> -----Original Message-----
> On the A4 Forum two or three weeks ago I asked any A4 2.8 30V 
> owners to
> send me email to let me know whether or not they hear lifter 
> noise for a
> second or two when starting the engine, particularly on cold 
> starts, after
> the engine has not been started for some time.  I also asked 
> if any one was
> experiencing what sounds like a belt squeek at idle after the 
> engine is
> warmed up.  My A4 is has both of these noises and I wanted to 
> gather some
> data before approaching my dealer with a request to 'solve' both these
> 'problems'.
> The response was a little disappointing, with only 8 replies 
> to my post.
> The results:
> Results: Only 9 responses received. 
> 6 respondents had cold start lifter noise, 3 didn't (although 
> 1 of the No's
> did have noise after the car sat for 6 days)
> 3 had some belt squeaking noise, 2 didn't and the other 4 
> didn't mention
> whether or not their cars had the noise.
> Not particularly earth-shattering, but.... ;-)
> I would appreciate receiving further input from any other A4 
> owners with
> the 2.8 30V V6 engine.  
> Please send email directly to me.  I get the Digest and am 
> way behind in my
> reading.  
> Include the year of your A4, geographical location, 
> approximate overnight
> temperature range and whether or not:
> 1. your car has lifter noise on cold starts, 
> 2. it has 'belt squeek', 
> 3. it is garaged
> 4. it is a daily driver
> Also include your other info that you think might be relevant.
> TIA for any responses.
> Stephen Kormilo                      Black '85 Rx7 GSL-SE
> Instructor, Electronics Technology   Silver '98.5 A4 2.8QM
> Red River College
> Winnipeg, MB
> email: skormilo@rrc.mb.ca
> OR:    srkormilo@home.com