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RE: FS: '87 4kq Turbo
>It was me. And, I am lucky enough to own a 4kq sans sunroof.
>Let me tell you, the headroom is huge! I prefer no sunroof
>for the headroom, plus it is a nice bonus not to have the
>weigh (expecially up so high). I can't believe people pay
>$1000 for those things on A4's. I just hope I can find one
>without in a couple years.
>6'2.5" :)
It must be body shape, because I'm 6'4" and had no problem in my 4k which
had a sunroof (from memory I could fit my fist above my head), especially
with the seat all the way down, which was how I preffered it anyway. I
wish I had that headroom in the 5k. All those electrics under the seat
limit the lowerability I suppose. I doubt I could wear a helmet in the 5k
(stock seats). I can stretch up a little and hit the roof. Bummer...