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Re: Easy Staring with Fuel Pump Prep Run

Matthew Caprio writes:
> I wrote:
> >When turning the ignition key to
> >the on position, the fuel pump relay receives power and it
> >is designed to briefly run the pump to pressurize the system.
> >However, I have also noted on my 4000 that this doesn't
> >always happen.  Probably a flakey FP relay.
> I have experinced this "flakey" behavior on all BMWs and Audis with CIS--
> sometimes FP runs on turned key, sometimes it doesn't... I always imagined
> that it has a pressure sensor, and if the accumulator is already up to
> press., then it doesn't bother turning the pump on again... Try this by
> turning your key to run, then off, then run and off, and so on, usually it
> only does it the first time (charges up accumulator?)  but maybe a time
> delay in the relay???.. Don't know where pressure sensor would be though,
> just checked bentley and couldn't find it...

That's because there is no such thing.  There is no sensor of any sort
related to the fuel pump relay.

96 A4 2.8 quattro
84 5000S 2.1 turbo
80 4000 2.0
    ///  Ti Kan                Vorsprung durch Technik
   ///   AMB Research Laboratories, Sunnyvale, CA. USA
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