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RE: My Fuel Pump Experience - 4KSQ

Opps!  The vehicle in question is an '85 4kSQ, not a 5000 ... I'm sorry that
I didn't proof read my post carefully enough ... why is it that such errors
are obvious as soon as I start reading the post when it comes from the


> -----Original Message-----
> Well, that noisy fuel pump on the '85 5kSQ started making not so healthy
> sounds on the way home from work the other day ... so I thought I'd better
> get it swapped out.  I got a Bosch unit from Didi at Carlsen on the quick
> yesterday ... one of the questionable Czechoslovakian units.  I figured it
> would be a quick install so I gave it a shot last night ... what I found
> that while the replacement looked identical the inlet fitting was a larger
> diameter, so I had to run to a local auto parts store to buy a foot of
> fuel line to be able to reassemble.  Fortunately the car has the in-line
> fuel filter in the feed to the pump, so I didn't have to worry about
> draining the tank to be able to change the line.  Once I got it all back
> together again I fired up the car ... at first I thought the pump wasn't
> spinning, but finally the engine fired and I went back to check for leaks
> ... that pump is incredibly quiet!  I drove the car to work today, and it
> seems that the new pump has resolved the car's loss of power for a
> of a second upon hard acceleration in second and third gears.  
> So, to any other 4kQ owners, if you get a new pump you might want to think
> about buying a short length of 1/2" fuel line and a new hose clamp for the
> larger diameter fitting just in case.  If anyone needs the Bosch number
> the replacement and original pumps send me a direct e-mail ... I didn't
> think to write them down last night.  
> HTH!
> Steve Buchholz
> San Jose, CA (USA)