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Audi GT/4K parts - free or cheap....RI, USA
Hey guys - anyone interested in the following -
1985 4000S trunk, no lights, grey - 50$
1985 Coupe GT trunk w/spoiler w/ lights, grey - 75$
1985 4000S passenger door, w/ window + regulator (working), no handel - $50
1985 4000S blue interior (with door panels) -excellent shape $25 dollars
85-87 coupe/4000 rockers - two pieces, silver -$ 25 a set
Audi 2.22 5 cyl lower radiator hose, used - $bo
Coupe/4K shift boot, OEM leather, good shape, with plastic - both front tabs
broken on plastic - $10, includes GT shift knob - no leather
misc other items - light surround trims, couple of interior pieces and window
Carter J