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Hard Start Due to Weak Fuel Pump
I recently discovered that most Audis run the fuel
pump for about 3 seconds when the ignition switch
is turned to on (run). Thanks to all who helped
me verify this by listening to their Audis (I couln't
find any mention of it in the manuals). The 3
second prep run builds fuel line pressure prior
to cranking. When the pressure is where it should
be, my Audi starts and runs good under any conditions.
The problem I am having is a weak fuel pump that
sometimes sits there for 5 seconds before starting
to run. When it does this it misses the 3 second
prep run, and the result is hard starting. Since
the fuel pump draws 8 amps throuhg what appears
to be skinny wires, I'm tempted to put a relay
under the rear seat and feed it higher battery
voltage. This is probably just a stopgap solution,
however. My pump is probably going bad after only
60K miles.
In the interim, I've rigged the fuse panel so
the pump runs continuously when the switch is on.
If I wait until I can hear the pump run after
sitching the ignition on, it starts everytime with
not a lot of cranking (mine is not an instant starter,
it still takes about 5 engine revs to start).
Thanks for the recent posts about AC/Delco lifetime
guaranteed pumps for the Audi. Since I recently
replaced a Bosch heater blower on this same car
(1990 Audi 100) I'm beginning to question Bosch's
electric motor reliability. It may be time to
go Delco.
Robert Dalton
rpdalton@onebox.com - email
(703) 234-3969 x1020 - voicemail/fax
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