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RE: Merry Christmas

Finland that anywhere near lapland.........................hohohohoho

Happy Christmas Jouko


-----Original Message-----
From:	Jouko Haapanen [mailto:joukoh@vtoy.fi]
Sent:	23 December 1999 15:27
To:	q--list
Subject:	Merry Christmas

Dec 23, 5.30pm:  All my staff seems to have left and it's time for me to
sign off for a couple of days as well.  I'd like to wish everyone on the
list a Merry Christmas, may the Audi Gods keep our door handles intact and
the G 002 000 hydraulic fluid in.  And if not, I seem to have 57 1-litre
tins in stock...

I think I'll be back at work on Sunday - the Urquattro headlight wiring
needs to be completed and my hood release cable is broken.


Jouko Haapanen
Pori, Fnland