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Re: Audi Flu- Addendum
I don't know that I'd put in half a gallon. I'd use the gasline antifreeze
that's mostly methyl alcohol and comes in 1/3 liter plastic bottles. Label
on my current batch of the no-name stuff I got at some discount store says
one container per 10 gallons or 2 oz/gal max. I put a containerful in with
each fill-up for three or four fill-ups at the start of winter and another
couple before the coldest weather in February. Doesn't hurt to put some in
once a month or so in the summertime. I started this procedure after
having at least two experiences with fuel lines freezing up 25 or 30 years
ago, and have never had the problem since. I add a similar
anti-gel/anti-freeze product to diesel fuel for the tractors I use to move
Kneale Brownson
At 10:18 PM 12/23/99 -0800, Larry Mittell wrote:
>If it's water in the tank, I don't know how much good Techron does. Doesn't
>mean it's bad; just that I don't know. What *will* get the water out for
>sure is methanol. Run the tank pretty low, then toss in about a half-gallon
>just before filling with gasoline. Water is thoroughly miscible in methanol,
>so this is an effective way of scavenging it. I wouldn't do it often,
>because I suspect that the elastomers (rubbers) used in the fuel system may
>not stand up well to long-term methanol exposure. Somebody please jump in
>here and correct me if they know this to be wrong.
>Find out where the local drag racers get their fuel. You'll find methanol in
>bulk there.
>Larry Mittell
>At 02:32 PM 12/23/1999 , you wrote:
>>Oh! I forgot to mention that I had changed both fuel filters and put in
>>a fresh tank of gas with techron. To no avail, it seems. I hope someone
>>can help me on this one!