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Re: 4kq idle problems..help!

THEEARTHGUY@cs.com wrote:
> My 86 4kq is idling erratically when cold.  I had to put a new ecu/ISV in
> recently, btw.  It will rev to 2k, then almost die, rev, die...etc until
> warmed up sufficiently.  Suggestions?  Please email.

Static mixture may be off and ecu/isv are trying to keep it running but
can;t get it balanced.

Anyway, adjust the mixture with engine warm to measure 10 mA (fluctuates
slightly) at the control pressure actuator.

There are photos of this being done buried on my website, maybe under
timing advance.

Then adjust the ISV duty cycle with the "idle screw" and maybe it will
settle down.

btw, my car did this when I first installed CIS-E but to a lesser degree
(just a series of unnecessary surges)

Huw Powell


82 Audi Coupe; 84 4kq; 85 Coupe GT; 73 F250
