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Can any UK folk help me out?

I'd like someone to give a call to Scotts Mototune and ask them if it would
be possible to buy all the modifications to turn the A8 into their  Nothelle
S8+  bi-turbo vehichle and import them into the states?  Also, find out a
price more importantly.  I'd like a price on the engine upgrade as well as
the brake upgrade and transmission upgrade.

Their phone is 0171-730 2131 and fax is 0171-730 4890
It would be greatly appreciated.
This would give me an idea of whether or not I should save up for an A8 or
do an S4...

Rob Andrews -- Dell Home Sales
1800-879-3355 x 47218 Rob_Andrews@Dell.com
99 A4 2.8Q--too many toys to list...