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Re: transmission slipping on 5kcst?
If I recall, you're located in Colorado? I've heard there is a reputable
junkyard in Castle Rock. You might find something there...
Just a thought. Unfortunately this model is not one I have much
experience with.
Woodland Park
On Tue, 28 Dec 1999 22:47:17 EST B070410@aol.com writes:
> Well Peter, you were right on the money with your diagnosis. Took
> the car to
> the dealer yesterday afternoon. Got the news today, they quoted
> $3800-$4400(trans & diff)my service guy knew I wouldn't go for it,
> he's been
> really good to us knowing we didn't want to spend an arm and a leg
> all at
> once on the maintenance/repairs we have been getting done. I am
> undecided
> what to do, the transmission shops I've called have been quoting
> around
> $1450.00 -$1500.00 to repair the transmission and reseal the
> differential.
> Is there concern that the differential could leak again if that's
> all that
> they are going to repair on their quote. Is damage done to the
> differential
> already this just started? What has to be done to the differential
> to
> repair it? What should I be looking for or asking if I decide to
> repair? I
> really like the car, I really need the car, with the repairs I've
> done on it
> already, I feel I can justify the cost to rebuild, and truthfully, I
> really
> don't want another car payment. The car I beleive has potential,
> it's just
> been lacking a bit of maintenance, it was running marvelously until
> this
> happened. I've spent approximately $1000 on this car, that's
> including the
> car itself. We don't do the repairs ourselves, that's the only bad
> part,
> maybe I should, maybe I should consider a career change....postal
> worker to
> mechanic.... Advice anybody? Peter, may have to get hold of you!
> Are you a
> mechanic for hire? Appreciate the advice!!!
> Thanks,
> Linda
> 1986kcst