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Re: transmission slipping on 5kcst?

I want to thank all that responded to my post.  The shop that I've decided to 
take the Audi to has repeatedly assured me that the quote includes rebuilding 
of the transmission, differential if needed and torque converter. Steve, the 
guy I've been talking to there said the max he can charge me above and beyond 
 the quote is 10% regardless of what additional parts/repair needed.  This is 
covered by a 1 year warranty.  He is reputable shop and has done Audi's 
before, his specialty being performance transmissions.  I've checked with the 
BBB and he has no complaints on record.  My dilemma now is this.  I had taken 
the car to the dealer for the diagnosis, the day the transmission acted up, 
the initial start-up of the car was sluggish, it acted like it needed a 
tune-up, it idled rough, but when accelerating ran fine, which was unusual 
since I had just had a tune-up and had the injectors flushed.  It had been 
running great!  So when I took it to the dealer, we made mention of that.  
They in turn made an adjustment to the "warm up regulator", they said to help 
the transmission shift smoother, this would allow us to transport to shop or 
home.   I left the dealership and made 1 stop at my mother's house, the car 
would crank but would quickly die.  I left it there and got a ride back to 
work. I'm assuming this regulator can be set back to it's original position 
after/if I rebuild? The car ran smoothly without any noticeable jerking or 
hesitation, it just idled rough and then couldn't get it restarted, though I 
only tried it for less than 5 minutes and left it.  The service rep at Audi 
said let it go, that I may experience continuous faltering after 
maintenance/repair.  I have had the follwing repair/maintenance done in the 
past 2 months: ignition switch and multifunction switch replaced, turbo boost 
line repaired, tune-up, injectors flushed, struts, alignment & 1 cv boot 
replaced.  The previous owner had the engine overhauled, new computer, 
brakes, tires, timing belt, distributor and some wiring done just prior to my 
acquisition.  In all I've spent $1100 max on all including the car.  The only 
other maintenance I was ready to do was the wheel bearings.  There are some 
smaller issues, but minor ones like no instrument lights.  Needless to say, 
the car is at mom's house, the issue, to continue forward or let it go.  It's 
a gamble I guesse.  Right now we're crossing our fingers and hope we get 
lucky.  This list has been a great help, I see so much here and I surprise 
myself (and the service rep at Audi) at how much I know about this car and 
it's quirkieness.  It''s funny that when I've called shops, that once I 
mention  I own an Audi, they all say..Oh, I'm so sorry!  
Sorry, this is so lengthy, (just realized)  Again thanks to all!
