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Re: WTB : V8

Earlier, Mike Green wrote:

> hey guys,
> I need some specs on the V8's...

All of what I'm putting here is on the US imports.  Other combimations
were available in Europe.

> The regular V8's are 3.6 or 3.8L, about 240hp, right?
> Then there was the 4.2L with more HP...

    1990 and 1991 were 3.6L at 240HP, and (I think) 245 ft/lb torque.
    1992, 1993, & 1994 were 4.2L at 276HP, and 295 ft/lb torque.

> Did both come in a 5spd?

    The 5 speed was only an option in 1991, everything else was 
    4 speed automatic only.  The automatic is computer controlled, and
    the early years shifted differently depending on whether the tranny
    software has been upgraded.  I can't tell you the details on this.

> Does anyone know either A) A 5 spd for sale or B) a 4.2L for sale?

    5 speed manuals are rare.  Only a handful were imported.

* What else did I forget to ask?

    The '90 and '91 came with the UFO brakes, with an internal caliper.
    Many have been converted to a variety of other brakes.  If the car
    you might look at has UFO's, make sure the rotor$ are in good shape
    and that braking action is smooth.  A brake job on UFO's is expen$ive.
    You ought to subscribe to the V8 list, those guys may know of cars
    seen for sale.  Send an email to:
    And, in the body of the email, just say:
        subscribe V8Q Mike Green
    (Other readers - don't say that unless YOUR name is Mike Green!)

> Would it be a good idea just to get a early A8?  What year did they start
> making those? Are they w/ 5/6 spd trannies?

    You are talking LOTS more money.  I don't know if any US A8's have
    manual transmissions.  I'd guess very few if any.

> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Mike Green
> mikeg@rennlist.com                        | AOL IM S/N "nekbet"
> Rennlist Member #990602-1264     | PCA - Sonnenschein Region #1999040094

    - Charlie

Charlie Smith   charlie@elektro.cmhnet.org  614-471-1418  
 http://elektro.cmhnet.org/~charlie/  Columbus Ohio   USA

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