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Re: A4 Buying Questions

On Thu, 30 Dec 1999 15:39:06 -0500 (EST) Dave Hillman
<hillman@planet-torque.com> writes:
>   In the first of what promises to a be a sequence of 
>posts, I have a few regarding the A4.

Probably the best SCCA Stock legal wheels (if you can afford it!) would
be 16 x 7, 35 mm + offset ,  5 x 112 B.C. , BBS RK's  availible from many
sources, I just checked TireRack. From my search for street wheels for my
200TQ, BBS may also be the only option availible besides stock.  Seems 16
x 7 and our bolt circle/hub fitting isn't widely availible. Stock does
allow up to 1/4" change in offset, so I imagine if the tires will clear,
you could go to a 30 mm + offset, which would still be legal. From what I
recall, A4's were quite a strong contender at  the Topeka Nat'ls 2 yrs
ago. Unfortunately, either no-one could afford them or nobody tried them
at Divisionals 2 yrs ago. I didn't go to NE-Divs last year nor nationals
due to a move, so I didn't really check how A4's did this year. 

Larry - '89 2CTQ, '85 GTi (Solo2, ES - in the '98 Celica era, an also

>   Also, I'll need some autocross wheels for it.  I see quite a few 
>wheels for sale at audiworld.com, but are there lighter stock-legal 
>available for similar cost?
> D a v i d  H i l l m a n
> scscc, nma, scca, imoc