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Re: A4 Buying Questions

>    Unfortunately, I hated the red on black dash illumination.  One of her
> colleagues with an A6 claims the dash lighting is color switchable between
> red and green.  I can live with green on black.
>    Is the A4 dash lighting switchable for color?  How?
No not at all.  Can't believe you don't like it...It's so pleasing to my

>    Also, I'll need some autocross wheels for it.  I see quite a few stock
> wheels for sale at audiworld.com, but are there lighter stock-legal wheels
> available for similar cost?
legal for the road or autocross?  Road...anything really...autocross unsure
>    Anyone know what the cold weather package *weighs*?
Huh?  The weight of the cold weather package...it has heated seats, heated
door locks, and heated windshield washer nozzles...uhh I goes those few
extra heat elements might weigh a pound or 2...if you were really concerned
about that though, I'd be more concerned with going on a diet though :)
>    Audi Advantage is transferrable to new owners, right?
As far as I know...check with the local dealer though.
