The UK quattro Network
The UK's mobile Audi 5-cylinder mechanic - 07833 654800, 24x7
Specialist in turbos, quattros, electrics and non-starts
Audi ur-quattro 10V WR, WX, GV and MB Engines
Engine Removal
Engine removal and replacement

- Detach the hydraulic pump after loosening the drive belt.
- WR, WX - slide out the pump pivot bolt to free the pump
- MB - Remove the mounting bracket from the side of the head - the pivot bolt cannot be removed as it fouls the auxiliary radiator
- Tie the pump up out of the way - the hoses remain attached

- Detach the coolant hose from the thermostat housing
- Detach the connectors from the oil pressure switch, control pressure regulator, injector cooling fan and low coolant temperature warning switch - tie the loom back with a cable tie.
- Pull the power connector off the radiator fan
- Detach the hose from the coolant header tank
- Detach the air vent hose from the top of the auxiliary radiator
- Detach both main hoses from the auxiliary radiator
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