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The UK's mobile Audi 5-cylinder mechanic - 07833 654800, 24x7
Specialist in turbos, quattros, electrics and non-starts
Crankshaft Group - Removing and Installing the Vibration Damper

- See torque and other considerations.
- The bolt should be lightly coated with AMV 180 000 02 (anti-corrosion - NOT Loktite) and any excess wiped off.
- Audi's 2079 torque multiplier can only be used on a vehicle lift. It may not fit at all if the vehicle has had even a moderate frontal impact at some time in its life.
- These operations are MUCH easier with the engine mounted in the vehicle.

- When removing the sump, both front subframe bolts (and the lower flywheel cover) must be removed. These bolts are "always replace" items.
- To comply with general recommendations, the left side should be tightened first.
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