The UK quattro Network
The UK's mobile Audi 5-cylinder mechanic - 07833 654800, 24x7
Specialist in turbos, quattros, electrics and non-starts
Removing and reinstalling front crankshaft oil seal - Audi MB/1B/MC-2 engines

- No other means of locking the crankshaft is acceptable
- The same restraint must be used when replacing the harmonic damper bolt

- The torque figure of 350Nm applies only when VAG 2079 - a torque multiplier - is used. For other values see the common Audi torque values page
- It is difficult if not impossible to use VAG 2079 if the vehicle is not on a lift.
- AMV 188 000 02 should be applied to the bolt threads, cam sprocket mating surface and bolt mating face
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