The UK quattro Network

The Audi ur-quattro main fuse and relay box

Audi ur-quattro underbonnet fusebox

Relays are numbered 1-6 from left to right along the top row, and 7-11 left to right along the bottom row.

1 Fog lights
2 Radiator fan - 3rd stage
3 Radiator fan - 1st stage
4 Headlight washers
5 Load reduction relay
7 Horn
8 Bridge (see note)
9 Interval wiper
10 Fuel pump
11 Fresh air blower in air conditioned cars

Relay position 8 is used in vehicles with automatic transmissions for a relay that inhibits the starter if the shift lever is not in "park". It is useful in the ur-quattro for diagnosing no-start problems where the starter motor fails to react. If volts appear here when the starter is operated, the problem is towards the motor. If no volts appear, the problem is probably the ignition switch or immobiliser.

Fuse functions vary with model years. In general the following should be true for most ur-quattros:

115AFog lights, air conditioning
215Ahazard flashers
325ABrake lights, ABS
415ARadio, trip computer, cigarette lighter, interior light, boot light
5 Unused
65ARight sidelight
75ALeft sidelight
810ARight headlight main beam, main beam warning light
910ALeft headlight main beam
1010ARight headlight dipped beam
1110ALeft headlight dipped beam
1215AHazard flasher relay, bulbs in foglight, rear screen heater and hazard flasher switches, function selection switch, reversing lights, air conditioning, gauge lights, WR enrichment, cruise control, electronic thermoswitch (MB/RR)
1315AFuel and turbo cooling pumps
145ANumber plate lights
1525ARadiator fan relays, rear washer pump
1630AHeated rear screen, digital dashboard
1730AFresh air fan, air conditioning
1830ARear wiper motor
1910ACentral locking
2030AElectric mirrors, heated seats

The following fuses - along the side of the fusebox - should have red clip-on covers saying "moteur" - if one or more is missing, part # 893 941 819 for a few pence will stop anyone else making the same mistake. Most fuseboxes don't have fuses 29 and 30 - if in doubt, check the fuseholder; any with contacts should also have fuses.

265ARR Motronic
2730ALambda probe
2815AFuel frequency valve (MB), Wastegate frequency valve (MB)
Cold start valve (MB), Fuel injectors and air mass sensor (RR)

The four fuses marked "31" in the diagram are spares.

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