A/C-Heater blower motor fix

Bernie Benz b.m.benz at prodigy.net
Fri Aug 23 12:32:55 EDT 2002

Steve, I believe that yours is wrong advice, having done two.  The blower
can not be removed without first removing the heater air box from the car.


> From: Steven Hauptmann <hauptmanns at MAIL.LLR.STATE.SC.US>
> Chuck,
> Congratulations on your acquisition of a wonderful car.
> I replaced my blower motor when I did the heater core, so my box was already
> out. This is the way Bentley says it must be done, however...
> I seem to remember posts where the blower can be changed WITHOUT removing
> the housing, so check the archives. I've heard it's tricky (a friend w/ a
> 5ktq did it), and may require some force to get it out...but I know it can
> been done.
> Good luck,
> Steve Hauptmann
> South Carolina, USA
> '91 200 20v 148,000miles

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