Master cyclinder Q (LAC actually)

feelstranger feelstranger at
Fri Jan 30 18:23:33 EST 2004

Well, I only got Brett's message from the bottom of Mikes message for some
But to respond - Thanks for the scolding Brett, however Mike is correct, I
bought a new unit.  Also, I have lots of Ebay experience and nothing but
positive feelings towards Ebay (although I have had a few minor issues but
where in life don't you??).
  BTW, I also support the standard online dealers we all know and love (SJM,
PC, Blau, etc, etc.)
That Aside, the question was if there is a difference in quality between the
Sachs and the ATE.  ETKA actually cross references the part 443 721 401 A
and says you could also use 4OA721401A but the latter is listed on the parts
page.  Scott sent me a picture of a SACHS MC that has the 40A part number on
the box but the unit is not aluminum as far as I can see.
FWIW Brett, My SACHS unit is actually stamped BOGE and is also an all *cast
aluminum part*.
So there.
So maybe they are interchangeable after all?

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Mike Del Tergo" <mdeltergo at>
To: <brett at>
Cc: <feelstranger at>; <200q20v at>
Sent: Friday, January 30, 2004 1:17 PM
Subject: Re: Master cyclinder Q (LAC actually)

> I read Nats post twice and didn't see any reference to his EBay parts
being used.  Maybe the third time is the charm. I submit that unless you
plunked down a cool $42 large for your 200 20V in about 1991, you have in
fact, bought a lot of used car parts, over 3,000lbs worth actually! (make
mine over 6,000lbs, 200 20V avant X 2 bought via EBay, Feel free to multiply
by number of cars owned vs number of cars bought new)
> Buying or selling off of EBay is of course your choice.  But it shouldn't
be news to you that some of our beloved preferred parts suppliers do just
that, and I'd guess more will in the future.  If EBaywere the biggest source
of fraud complaints in the US, I sure think they'd get a lot more airtime
than the Social Security, Used car, and investment schemes that seem to jam
the 6 o'clock news.
> Either way I'm sure all of the OEM and new parts suppliers thank you for
your loyalty and as Bernie might say, "fat wallet".  I'm personally thankful
for all the alternatives and competition.
> Mike
> From: Brett Dikeman <brett at>
> Subject: Re: Master cyclinder Q
> No- the MC must be the ATE unit; it's distinguished by an entirely
> cast aluminum-alloy construction, the ATE logo stamped on it, etc.
> My new replacement looked slightly different in terms of the location
> or style of stampings, but it was entirely identical in all other
> regards.
> I do not buy used car parts off ebay.  I don't buy used car parts
> period, actually.  I don't buy anything off Ebay, either- it's the
> largest source of fraud complaints in the US, and now you know why.
>    I would never buy brake system components except new; I don't even
> buy reman'd brake parts.  MC's are pretty much "consumables" and are
> also impossible to inspect/judge the condition of, even if you're
> holding one in your hand.
> Brett

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