UFO front rotors/also looking for good used
Jagernauth, Stephen, WHLSL
sjagernauth at att.com
Tue Nov 2 18:10:27 EST 2004
The Commonwealth of PA sub-contracts state inspection to independent shops which IMO is a direct conflict of interest. I've been to crooked shops which manufacture a lengthy list of items in the hopes of generating revenue (e.g. a teeny 1/4" windshield stone chip, they wanted to replace the windshield, I walked).
BTW, they do pull the wheels and measure rotor thickness as part of the state inspection.
This particular shop has a reputation of being honest and they were not being nitpicky. In fact, he did not want to do the work since he could not get the parts easily from NAPA or local parts store. I do all my own work anyway.
The mechanic stated the metal on the rotors is flaking off on chunks, I have not pulled the wheels yet to verify but I can lock the front wheels up which tell me my brakes work just fine. However, since a ticket for expired inspection is $100, I will give in and just change them if I can find cheap aftermarket rotors.
Rockauto.com list '91 200 20V rotors made by AC Delco (?) $51, Wagner $73, Raybestos $88 and Beck/Arnley $80. I didn't even know AC Delco made rotors.
Anyway, looking to verify if anyone has used any of these brands for this vehicle. I suspect they are mixing up the G60 rotor.
If anyone has a cheap source for the UFO rotor, please shoot me an email. At this point, I would also consider good used rotors above the min spec since I'm only using the car < 5k/year in the winter. (I defected and bought a 540 6spd last year and it doesn't like snow).
-----Original Message-----
From: Bernie Benz [mailto:b.benz at charter.net]
Sent: Tuesday, November 02, 2004 10:39 AM
To: Jagernauth, Stephen, WHLSL
Cc: 200q20V mailing list
Subject: Re: UFO front rotors
How does the State of PA determine UFO rotor thickness? IMO, to accurately
measure same they would have to remove the rotor from the hub, and I can't
imagine them doing that at an inspection station. Rotor thickness not being
a safety issue anyway.
> From: "Jagernauth, Stephen, WHLSL" <sjagernauth at att.com>
> I failed PA state inspection for worn front rotors, also have the classic
> warped rotor shimmy.
> It's been a few years since I priced these but found aftermarket rotors from
> $51-$73 at this site:
> Since I recall these rotors were ~$275 each, has anyone actually purchased
> from this site?
> I don't want to go through ordering and getting the wrong parts.
> https://www.rockauto.com/
> Steve Jagernauth
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