3B motor bucking update - solved

Brandon Rogers brogers at terrix.com
Mon Dec 21 08:36:19 PST 2009

OK this time I think I really got it.
Here's the quick update - over the weekend I started the car up and turned
the wheel full lock to left - car died.  Would not re-start.  So I unturned
it a little  - started - so went looking around back there with car running
- I could tell the rack was rubbing the harness at left lock - so I was
feeling around for a hole in the insulation and all it took was a
jiggle/touch of the harness and the car would stumble.  Jiggle rpm wires no
issues.  After wondering for a day where to go from there - I went back to
take a look - and poking around I noticed the 13mm nut for the ground tree
on the IM was very loose - the wires had all sorts of movement.  So
tightened it up - no issues - running great since.
Apparently I had failed to tighten that nut when I installed the IM phenolic
spacer.  Many months ago.  Must have worked itself loose.
Brandon Rogers
Vice President, Shareholder
Terrix Financial Corporation
1777 S. Harrison St., Suite 301
Denver, CO 80210
303-757-7800 (ph)
brogers at terrix.com
www.terrix.com <http://www.terrix.com/> 

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