[BiturboS4] RE: BiturboS4 digest, Vol 1 #111 - 11 msgs

Edwards, Dave Dave_Edwards at iOra.com
Wed Sep 18 12:39:43 EDT 2002

If you like the idea of the TripComp, then I have to say you'll be better
off with the German unit. Not only is it real (yes you can buy one NOW), but
it uses it's own sensors so response rate is good.

A friend of mine is going to distribute them in the UK, and I've suggested
he consider exporting to the US.

Check out this link:

Although you'll need to register on the site first at:



Date: Mon, 16 Sep 2002 11:20:00 -0700 (PDT)
From: Rich Shiba <rich at pdi.com>
To: S4 Biturbo list <biturbos4 at audifans.com>
Subject: RE: [BiturboS4] boost gauge recommendation

On Sun, 15 Sep 2002 DDowS4 at netscape.net wrote:

> David,
>  Check out http://www.tripcomp.com/faq.html, they are almost finished
> the d= evelopment of a digital gauge which appears on the center
> display.

  I think this is very cool, but the TripComp guys are always very
  careful on the forums to imply that the boost gauge doesn't respond
  in real time.  I think that's their point, it hasn't been 100% clear
  actually.  They always say it's great for diagnostics (peak hold,
  etc), but the implication seems to be that it doesn't respond quickly
  enough to display real time data, which is a shame.


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