Glyco bearings needed...

Gerard gerard at
Mon Aug 21 17:36:50 EDT 2000


This is another odd request, but I'm looking for anyone who can
get a set of Glyco brand crank thrustwashers and conrod small-end bushes
for me for a MC engine. I know, first thing people will say is just
use KS or AE, but I'm being a pain and sticking with this brand as
requested by my engine builder. :) 

I need the items marked:

	Small end bushing = 55-3698 SEMI (only SEMI = unbored)
	Thrustwasher = A 124/4

I don't know what the kits will look like, but I need a complete set
of 4 washers and 5 bushes. I think the washer kit has 4 in it.

Anyone know of a source that has them in stock? Federal Mogul don't
want to get me any and it will take upwards of 2 months for them to
come out the factory in germany and get shipped to me.

Picky ain't I? :)



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