Confused over thermostat position in 5 cyl 4kq

SIMON HOLTBY sholtby at
Sat Aug 26 19:45:26 EDT 2000

--- Leah Mueller <muellerl at> wrote: > Thank you Simon, I will
have to somehow check the rad.  I can only get
> in
> about 6 litres into a system that should take 8 litres of coolant.
> David and Leah,

Remember that when you remove a hose on the rad to drain the system that
there may be 2 litres remaining in the block/heater core that will not
drain. When removing the water pump after draining the system quite a lot
more comes out.
It is important to remember this if you flush the system with a hose pipe.
When you refill the system the antifreeze mixture will need to be stronger
to allow for the 'neat' water in the block.
If the coolant only boils when you remove the filler cap and the fan is
running it may boil, I dont know I have not tried it. Remember it is a
pressurised system to raise the boiling point of the coolant.
Facts and figures..

Thermostat opens 87 degC fully open 102 degC

Cooling fan switches on 90 to 95 degC and off at 85 to 90 degC

Figures are for UK a car others may vary

Simon Holtby
'84 urq

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