[200q20v] sticking caliper

james accordino ssgacc at yahoo.com
Tue Aug 29 17:23:37 EDT 2000

--- Jim Fraser <jfraser at ferrofluidics.com> wrote:
> I've checked sources in U.S., Germany and U.K. for
> the
> handbrake seals, to no avail.  I don't want to tear
> down
> the calipers then try to match up a seal because I
> don't
> have a spare (caliper or car).  
> Lying under the car I measured about 16mm x 25mm.  
> That seems right because it was pressed into its
> bore.
> I have to assume your 16mm x 26mm x 6mm dimensions
> fit my 1990 CQ as well.  Can you tell me anything
> else
> about the seal?  Is it a spring-energized lip seal? 
> What
> material, any idea?  I imagine it's more rubber-like
> (like an
> engine shaft seal) than the teflon-type I see at
> work.  I can
> call a bearing supplier or two and see if they have
> one.
> Your information could really push me over the top
> to the
> point of actually rebuilding the calipers and using
> the
> handbrake again after 2 years!  Thanks in advance!

I'm not sure if I want to be the one to push you
"over".  If you don't have a spare caliper or car it
might be tricky.  The biggest problem is getting the
snap-ring or circlip out of the bottom of the piston
bore.  There are a variety of ways to do it, but
getting it back in, especially the first time is a
bear.  It takes alot of patience.  The other stuff is
pretty straightforward.  I used a 2-legged hone to
clean up the piston bores in the caliper.  I used 3M
Scotchbrite pads and Brasso or 220+400 grit sandpaper
to clean up the piston and other machined surfaces.  I
just about polished these.  Just don't remove alot of
metal.  There is also the possiblity that the insides
are REALLY rusted bad and are junk.  The seal is just
like an oil seal for the crank.  16mmx24mmx6mm I
believe.  I could probably check the size of that and
the o-rings for you.  The caliper kit was about $6,
and does both sides.  I also got the pin boot kit. 
Either way, both of these were less than $10 ea. and
do both sides.  The oil seals for the shaft were $1
something ea., and the o-rings were about $2 for a bag
of 10.  The big deal is being able to get that snap
ring out and back in.  If you can do that, you can do
your calipers. 

Pushing people overboard
Jim Accordino

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