[200q20v] sticking caliper
Jim Fraser
jfraser at ferrofluidics.com
Wed Aug 30 12:51:00 EDT 2000
Yes please! send me seal and O-ring dimensions
if available. Will make reassembly much smoother.
If you have an installation tube can you give me
dimensions (major ID, minor ID and OD [if that's
important])? This way I can give a machinist
plenty of time - they're very busy these days...
Thanks again for all the information and patience.
>>> james accordino <ssgacc at yahoo.com> 08/30/00 11:02AM >>>
--- Jim Fraser <jfraser at ferrofluidics.com> wrote:
> I must've misread your dimensions as outer diameter
> 26mm; I looked back you said 24mm...
> I have the pin boot kit and seal kit (which came
> with an exploded view - should be helpful?!?).
> Maybe I'll just need the O-rings you talked about
> (some material resistant to DOT4 I suppose).
I used generic black o-rings sold by the bag in the
loose parts bin at Pep Boys. Worked O.K. so far. I
think both are the same size. I will try to check the
o-ring and seal sizes today. If you have access to a
friendly machinist, he can make you a tube about 2.5-3
inches long that tapers from the o.d of the snap ring
loose (uninstalled) to slightly smaller than the o.d.
of the bore it fits into. This makes installing it
(the toughest part of this job) a snap. Just set the
snap ring in the tapered tube and push it down with a
deep socket (like 14mm or so) and it will snap right
in. Takes about 5 seconds, literally.
Jim Accordino
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