more rear brake type 44 questions

james accordino ssgacc at
Thu Aug 31 06:26:39 EDT 2000

--- don & lori <dell4 at> wrote:

> got some rebuilts from Canadian tire.  

Are they for a quattro?  How much?  Any core charge?

> turning... uggh... stripped it and its leaking.  
> third bleeder screw and
> it seems to work fine.
> is this unusal?  should i be worried that it will
> leak,
> or did i just damage the treads on first 2 i tried?

I don't know.  Are the threads stripped off the
screws?  Normally screws are steel and cal. are cast. 
Cast iron usually strips first.  They make oversized
bleeders, but it's a pain.
> also note on the brake hose on right side looks a
> little twisted as had to go extra quarter turn to
> keep
> it tite.  shud this concern me?  wud it be better
> without that extra quarter
> turn?

If it's really only 1/4 turn, it should be fine.  If
it's more twisted, I would unbolt the caliper, and try
turning that to see if the hose lays better.

Jim Accordino

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