Running highs and lows in H4 Eurolights

Thomas, Tom Tom.Thomas at
Mon Dec 4 09:06:08 EST 2000

This almost sounds like a newbie question, but I am looking for some input:

Both my 87 5KCSTq and 89 100q have the H4 (non-turbo) Eurolights installed.
The low beam relay on the 100q is a little "sticky" and doesn't turn off
right away.  When I put the high beams on, I get both highs and lows for a
short period of time.  During this period, lighting is AWESOME.  

What kind of problems would I be looking at if I wired a jumper from the
high beam relay to the low (with a diode to prevent back flow) so both ran
on high beam?  The only issues I can think of would be heat dissipation and
light scatter?  Any comments would be appreciated.  

Tom E Thomas
Data Network Engineer | Project Manager
BadgerNet | BNS | DTM | DOA | State of Wisconsin
tom.thomas at

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