settling on '88 5kcstq instead of '91 200 or V8?
Fred Munro
munrof at
Sat Dec 9 08:39:34 EST 2000
Hi Ken;
I have owned an '86 5ktq, a '91 200q, and now a '94 S4.
Based on my experiences with these cars, the 200 is a more refined and more
reliable version of the 5000. On the 200, Audi resolved a lot of the
problems which plagued the 5000 ( leaking steering rack, leaking hydraulic
pump, door handles, etc., etc., etc.). My 200q was a lot more reliable and a
lot less maintenance intensive than the 5ktq. The 5ktq was more fun to
drive, however, since the 200q has been "sissified" a bit for the North
American market - softer brake pedal, more steering assist. If I had to do
it over again, though, I would choose the 200q over a 5ktq.
The S4 is a completely different story - IMHO definitely superior to the
5ktq and the 200q, although I do miss the 200q in some respects.
Fred Munro
'94 S4 117k km
----- Original Message -----
From: "Ken Keith" <auditude at>
To: <quattro at>
Sent: Friday, December 08, 2000 11:48 AM
Subject: settling on '88 5kcstq instead of '91 200 or V8?
> I have a question for your MC1 Type 44 owners, or anyone else
> who cares to comment.
> Do you find yourselves totally content with your '86-'88 5k's, or do
> you wish you had chosen a later MC2 dual knock sensor, higher
> compression model, or maybe a '91 200 or V8?
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