V8 Timing belt change

Peter Swärd Peter.Sward at compaq.com
Fri Dec 15 13:29:35 EST 2000

before I sold my 91 V8Q I got a quote from Clair in Boston and I thought
I would enter the part numbers and prices here for posterity.

077-109-119-D	Tbelt		128.70
077-109-244-A	Tensioner	104.45
077-109-243-A	Tensioner	168.96
077-121-004-GX	Waterpump	242.44
ZVW-237-105	Antifreeze?	 15.98
078-121-113-F	Thermostat	 30.80
N-901-368-02	Seal		  1.11

Comes to 796.89 plus tax. This is not discounted prices but straight

Labor was quoted as 8-10 hours.

98.5 A4TQM 


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