4000 Automatic - How much?

Craig Lebakken lebakken at cdicadwa.com
Fri Dec 15 13:10:35 EST 2000

Ben Swann wrote:

"The car is a garage kept 4000 automatic, '86 I believe.  If
everything was
(close to) perfect how much would this car be worth.  This
is in the
Maryland, Baltimore, Annapolis, Washington area."

I just paid $2600 for an 87 4000 Auto with 140K. This is top
dollar I know, but the car was a 9.9. Garage kept, older
lady driven/cared for, lots of good, recent service
including all CV's, wheel brgs., brakes, factory Sekurit
windshield replacement, and even a factory Audi muffler.
Only flaw was that the left driver's seat bolster had worn
through. But the car even came with a perfect replacement
seat cover - just have got to install it.

For toppers, all switches work/have lights, all windows
operate nicely, all doorhandles operate nicely, and the AC
blows cold thanks to a new compressor installed at the
dealership three years ago. Trunk looks like it has never
seen a suitcase. Dunlop SP 5000 @ 75%. The ONLY thing this
car needs is Eurolights, but this car should not be driven
at night anyway.

All in all, considering that I was looking for a cheap
automatic for my mom, I think it was a good deal. It seems
nothing is cheap in Seattle. Not nearly as good a deal
though as the 83(?) 4000 that Ti posted recently. That one
should have gone to a museum.


Craig Lebakken
1986 4KQ

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