Michelin Arctic Alpins

Jim Haseltine Jim at ur-q.freeserve.co.uk
Tue Nov 7 22:35:12 EST 2000

----- Original Message -----
From: <isham-research.freeserve.co.uk at pop.pol.net.uk>;
<quk at isham-research.freeserve.co.uk>
> We're in the middle of a monsoon here in the UK.  The flood waters in
> many places (York, for instance) are higher than they've been for four
> hundred years - many places are recording rainfall records being
> blown completely away.

Although the fair city of York has suffered 90mm of rain in the past week,
its my opinion that some blame for the record levels in the city must be
at the door of the city council. There are a couple of areas of the city
have flooded nearly every year since the Romans built the fort of Ebvracvm
in AD72 and consequently the housing in those areas is cheap. Using the
equation Flooded Houses = P*ssed off people = fewer votes = no job,
the council 'improved' the flood defences in those areas. Water that would
normally spread out to cover a square mile to a depth of 2-3 feet had to go
somewhere and last Friday night that somewhere was my street (which until
recently was the responsibility of another council so didn't matter).
the water stopped 6inches from the critical point so that none of my cars
damaged, my house didn't get away Scott-free, as the water had leaked into
the air space below the ground floor and now the scent of it drying out has
to be smelt to be believed.
The army are patrolling the area in KFOR vehicles and the police presence is
much higher than normal.
MAC. The owner of the most badly flooded house in my street is on vacation
so we had to move his wife's car, a silver A3. If we had left it where it
was, it would have been flooded up to the windows.


Jim Haseltine

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