Synthetic gear oils

james accordino ssgacc at
Thu Nov 16 11:35:01 EST 2000

--- Ari_Palomäki <ari.palomaki at> wrote:
>     Jim,
>     I've been using synthetic oils for many years as
> the
>     temperature over here can get pretty low and
> want
>     to be able to move the shifter. Have had no
> problems
>     whatsoever, no leaks(not even sweat), trans and
>     diffs work OK. Mind you, I do change the oils
>     frequently(at appx. 26,000 miles) and the old
> oils come
>     clean out.
>     Been using Valvoline 75W-90 and Mobil SHC.
>     hth,
>     Ari Palomaki
>     '91 S2
>     '86 200 TQA
Ari, I have a few questions.  I just got off the phone
with the Mobil tech line, and he actually had
reservations about me using SHC50 in my tranny.  Me
said its viscosity equivilant is 90 weight.  He
thought I might have problems shifting when cold.  He
suggested that Castrol makes a product that fits Audis
specs. exactly.  SynthLube or something.  Can you
believe that?  Anyway, here are the questions.

1.  How cold are you talking about?  You are in
Greece?  I always thought it was warm there.

2.  Have you noticed any problems shifting when it's

Thanks for the input
Jim Accordino

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