1983 audi 5000 turbo gas help

Tex Terry, II texactii at csonline.net
Mon Nov 27 22:08:50 EST 2000

In the few messages I have received trying to help me sort out my problem,
I noticed that apparently I am way less knowledgeable than ya'll.  Even
though I first owned a 1975 Audi 100LS automatic fuel injected and now own
a 1983 5000 turbo gas fuel injected, I have been able to take care of small
maintenance and electrical problems.  I have never owned a turbo before,
and do not really understand the operation of the turbo  with the engine. 
I have been told that this year model had an oil seal type and not a hard
seal type.  As one of the listers asked me to check for a hose by the
intercooler, I had to tell him I do not know what or where the intercooler
is.  I do not know what a michelin man hose is.  Please answer my pleas for
help in the most basic way as I am still learning about this car, even
though I have owned it since 1989.  It has been parked because I do not
want to have to do an engine rebuild by running it in the wrong condition. 
Thanks, Tex.

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