Wheel bearings...

isham-research.freeserve.co.uk at pop.pol.net.uk isham-research.freeserve.co.uk at pop.pol.net.uk
Mon Oct 30 08:53:16 EST 2000

> Thanks all for the information. I read the other wheel bearing thread
> currently going on the list. Noticed that it is indicated no grease
> should be used. I have grease or something all over my bearings.

The microfiche has a special note saying no grease.

> I reckon the one bearing is showing about 1mm of back and forth
> movement. I can understand that the inner race's halfs will be pushed
> together then tightening up to that huge axle nut torque and thereby
> eliminating some play, but 1mm...?

There is no sideways play in any of the bearings I have here.

> The strut housing is the one with the retaining shoulder at the back of
> the bearing housing. But when I looked at the bearing, and I forgot to
> mention this in the previous posting, the suspect bearing does not touch
> the shoulder but stands clear of it by 1mm or 1.5mm. From what I
> understand, the bearing must be all the way in. The other strut seems
> fine with minimal play.

Doesn't this tie up with the 1mm play you mention above?  It makes me
very suspicious.

> Don't know if this is proper, but won't 1mm offset in the bearing mean
> alot of unaligned suspension stuff? What about the CV joint clearing the
> housing when the axle is pulled all the way through?

It will cause a great deal more wear.

 Phil Payne
 Phone +44 7785 302803   Fax: +44 7785 309674

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