Airbag in 1989 Audi 100?

Per Lindgren lindgre at
Tue Sep 12 13:25:38 EDT 2000

If the wheel doesn't have the text "AIRBAG" or "SRS" or both, you don't have a
'bag. It's as easy as that. The wheel in my 92 100 2,8 looks almost identical
to this one, and my car doesn't have airbag either.

Btw, the car at the Ebay link was a real beauty!

92 100 2,8q Avant

Martin Suryadarma wrote:

> Hi all,
> I have a 1989 Audi 100. I'm about to change the headlight switch, which
> means I need to take off the steering wheel. Now the big question is. Does
> my car have an airbag or not?? It does NOT say Airbag or SRS on it. Why do
> I doubt it? I saw a picture in an auction for a 1990 Audi 100, here is the
> url (, it
> has airbag, and the steering wheel is EXACTLY like mine. So I'm confused
> now. I don't want to open it and destroy the whole thing.
> Please anybody who can answer this question, please enlighten me. Thanks so
> much.
> Martin
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