stateside skodas, etc.

William Magliocco magliocc at
Tue Sep 12 09:24:34 EDT 2000

Official Audi content-Skoda is the low end of the VAG
conglomerate, Audi is at the top of the mass produced

1) Didn't Skoda sell cars in Canada years back prior
to the VAG buyout?  Were they not right up there with
the Lada and the Hyundai "Pony" in terms of quality?

2) Herr Piech is getting delusional when he thinks the
Damiler, three point star kind of crowd (and I don't
mean Scheissler) is going to swear off the C/E/S
classes to go Volkswagen?

3)  The previous poster is correct when he asserted
that the VW is giving the low end away here in the
states.  Where's the VW Fox when you need it? ;)

flame away gents

Bill Magliocco (V-A-G all the way for the last 20 years)

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