100 Euro lights... help with rebuilding them..

Tom Nas tnas at euronet.nl
Sat Dec 8 20:47:00 EST 2001

Dave C <conner at cfm.ohio-state.edu> wrote:

>I remembered you had found D&D that way, so I checked Hemmings to see if I
>had a misprint on the phone number.  I didn't find any companies listed
>that offer this service.  I checked with a local shop that refinishes metal
>objects, makes bronze baby shoes, etc.  They could not offer any
>suggestions.  They said no U.S. based facilities can do chrome plating
>anymore due to environmental regulations.  Maybe vacuum metalizing was
>affeceted by the same regs.?

Could well be, same problems here in Holland.
I was interested in seeing how much it would cost to replace the
reflectors... assuming nothing else needs replacing, the reflectors are Dfl
175 each ($70, roughly). Dunno how rmuch replating would cost.


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