Help with Stereo

nodoebrando at nodoebrando at
Tue Dec 11 23:56:49 EST 2001

[ Converted text/html to text/plain ]
Anybody hanve any experience with the Stereo in a 93 Quattro 90. My back
speakers are F*#@ed and I took it to a local shop to get them replaced. As it
turns out, Audi has to be more complicated than most other cars. Oh, Gee, What
a surprise. Anyway, the stock speakers are made by Nokia and they are about
$250 a peice at the dealer, then I have to pay someone to put then in because
they each have their own amp built into the back of the speaker. According to
the Stereo guy I have two choices. #1 buy the replacement Nokia speakers from
the Audi Dealer for $500 and then pay him about $100 to put it in.
#2 replace the entire system with a new/ better sounding rig for around
In my opinion the best way to go would be to replace the damn thing because
then the whole system is new and under warrantee, unlike the friggin car
itself. Any ideas, opinions, suggestions, etc. Does anyone else have a 90 to
93 series Quattro 90 with the same kick ass Stereo system (not)?
Let me know what you think.
P.S. If I do end up replacing the whole system that means that I'll have some
spare parts (the ones that currently work) that I would be willing to give to
a fellow list member for the cost of shipping.
Brandon Handy
93 Quattro 90 CS Sport
With a bumpin, I mean static system.

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