Type-44: HELP! Seeking good Audi mechanic in NYC/NJ Metro Area.

sjensen at mindspring.com sjensen at mindspring.com
Mon Dec 31 10:04:22 EST 2001


Those are the exact same symptoms my car had when the throwout bearing let =
go - it whirred for a few weeks, just like Larry's, but then it suddenly st=
arted screeching with a substantial amount of throbbing through the clutch =
pedal (at which point I parked it until I had the money to do a clutch job)=

When they pulled the transmission the throwout bearing was destroyed, even =
though the clutch had a few miles left in it.  Weakest link and all that.

Good luck to you, sucks to be on the road with a major mechanical failure.

-Steve Jensen
87 5kcstq

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