Strange Window Problem !!!

Kevin Phillips kevphill at
Sun Feb 4 20:32:41 EST 2001

>I have a 1990 200 TQ with 144k on it. Two days ago all 4 windows and the =
>Power sun roof were all working fine. On my way home last night I could =
>not open any of the windows of the sun roof. The lights in the window =
>switches come on, but as soon as I try to put any one of the windows =
>down the lights go out, and then come back on about three seconds later. =
>Has any one encountered this problem before ???
First of all I am sorry for MIMEing the list, even computer folks cannot
find some settings.

I have just encountered and cured this EXACT problem myself and therefore I
am 100% confident with what is wrong !!!!

You have a broken wire inside the door. It is a 2.5mm with the colour of
red/blue. Inside the door about 4" away from the grommet and still in the
large bundle there is a butt connection where a whole family of red/blue
wires join together. The feed wire from under the dash will be high
resistance, not open though. I opened up this whole join and remade it, all
is well again.

So my friends, you may be wondering what the hell this has to do with the
sun roof ????

Kevin Phillips
Western Massachusetts
1990 200q
1995 900 SET
Cell 413 519 9034

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