Rear ended...exhaust advice.

patrick austin paanta at
Tue Feb 6 08:30:59 EST 2001

So last night I went out in the 4KCSQ to play in the
first good snow in boston this season.  I was stopped
at a stop sign for several seconds waiting for traffic
to clear, and some buffoon in a rented Kia Sophia
(jesus, what is up with these names?) rear ended me. 
He destroyed his hood, one fender, radiator, radiator
support, both headlights, bumper and some of the stuff
immediately behind the radiator, I'm sure.  Really
trashed the car.  

My car was FINE.  No scratches or bends except that
the exhaust pipe got smushed inwards, bending the rear
part of the system.  Hmmm, might this have something
to do with the fact that my car is raised a couple of
inches and I have a gigantic red tow-hook on my
bumper? ;)  Thank the Audi engineering gods for proper

Anyway, I need a new exhaust system.  Are there any
good performance systems cheaper than that $800
scorpion system?  Cops were too busy to show up and
write the guy a ticket, unfortunately, and the guy was
uninsured.  He said he'd cover the repairs, but I
don't want to stiff him for an $800 system when the
existing one was only $300 at a muffler shop...

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