Fw: Informal Audi Get Together with Phil Payne

Steve Jensen sjensen at mindspring.com
Thu Feb 15 22:09:02 EST 2001

Just a reminder, and the following was sent to Tom Saltino, president of the
QCUSA SE chapter for distribution:

> Hi Everyone:
> Just wanted to pass along that I am trying to arrange a small Audi get
> together with Phil Payne while he visits Atlanta February 25th thru 27th.
> As many of you know, Phil Payne has been a fixture on Audi newsgroups for
> some time (particularly the quattro list at www.audifans.com) , and has
> helped many of us keep our older Audis running via his vast experience.
> Phil will be in Atlanta attending a convention on the above dates, and was
> interested in meeting with some of the local Audi afficionados.   I
> it would be a nice gesture to meet with Phil and show him some "southern
> hospitality".
> We plan on either getting together for drinks and Audi gab, or if everyone
> prefers, dinner and drinks and Audi gab.  Phil says Sunday or Monday
> are best for him, as he will be flying out Tuesday.
> If you would be interested in getting together, please email me back with
> your preferences:
> a. the evening of Sunday the 25th or
> b. Monday the 26th
> as well as
> c.  Dinner and drinks or
> d.  Just a couple of drinks
> A location (with plenty of Audi parking) will be chosen based on the
> response, and suggestions as to where to meet are greatly appreciated.
> Please bear in mind that this is NOT a QCUSA or a SE Quattro Club
> event, just an informal gathering of Audi enthusiasts.
> Thanks in advance, and I look forward to hearing from you!
> -Steve Jensen
> 1987 5kcstq
> 1987 5kcstqw

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