Ursportquattro! was:URQ vs. Coupe GT

Tom Nas tnas at euronet.nl
Sat Jan 13 18:32:44 EST 2001

Per Lindgren <lindgre at online.no> wrote:

>I've also seen pics of a real Audi prototype, the Audi Ur-Sportquattro,
>i.e. a LWB sportquattro!! See photo's here, and remember this is NOT
>some homemade project, this is a real Audi! To top it off, MTM has tuned
>the engine, so it no longer develop 306 hp. Now it boasts a healthy 417
>hp, braked of course.

How come this car's listed as an '86, way after SportQ production had 
ceased? Was the prototype not road-registered until '86?


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